
The Millennium Link has been developed by a partnership involving public, private and voluntary sector organisations across the breadth of Scotland. British Waterways, Scottish Enterprise and its network of local enterprise companies, all the local authorities through which the canals pass, local community councils, local and national engineering, historical and environmental bodies and voluntary sector organisations, are working together to make the dream a reality

The canals brought prosperity and developed communities and industries along their length when they were first opened over 100 years ago. These communities used to bustle with activity and many represented the Scottish heartland of the industrial and engineering revolution. The passage of time, the rise of rail, and then road, transport led to decline in the use of the canals for moving freight. Changing world economies caused the disappearance of many traditional industries. With this decline went local employment and prosperity and, as a result, the canals pass through what have become some of the most economically, environmentally and socially disadvantaged areas in Scotland.

Speirs WharfThe many partners in The Millennium Link aim to change that situation. The restoration of the canals will be the foundation on which those communities will be revitalised and regenerated over the next 20 years. This will be achieved by:

  • improving the environment
  • restoring or reclaiming sites along the banks of the canals
  • enabling and supporting commercial and leisure developments
  • ensuring easy access for all to the canals and the opportunities they represent.

Relaxing by the canalThe Millennium Link is a project driven by and for the people and it will provide opportunities for:

  • tourism, leisure and recreation
  • employment, training and education
  • commercial and entrepreneurial development
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